Why Use 1k Word in blogger suggesting

Use 1000 word suggest article

I once read someone suggesting that writers should spend at least six hours writing an article which is about 1000 words. Who has time for that?
If you are being paid to write that specific article, then yes, take six hours and do a great job.

But if you can make money on it or not, for example, if you are a blogger, you do not have time to waste.
Most articles and blogs that I write happen in less than an hour from the moment I start typing the moment that I publish or send it. Here's how I get it done.

Mental indexing
If you sit at the computer and have no idea what you are going to write about, you will not write anything worth reading in under an hour. It is important to know what you will write before you start writing.
I call this process mental cataloging. For me, mental cataloging is the process by which you think, process the world and create ideas.

This is a passive brainstorming activity throughout your day. I write a lot about writing and leadership. So I am constantly analyzing my day through these two areas. When I'm writing, I ask myself, "What's happening here?" "What else can anyone learn from my experience?"

These questions lead me to the articles that I write about the writing process.
Recently, I have been listening and reading books about leadership, productivity and company culture. I usually consume these books during my work and during work.

 As I drive, I feel that through these themes I am listening and seeing my own work life through new found lenses. Usually I get emotional about something. Recently, my passion has been about good leadership. As I drive, I begin to list my thoughts about leadership and my experiences.

When I learned about my morning routine I started mentally listing this article. As you can imagine, I was feeling inspired by the work. Before I put the pen on paper, three of my four dots were inscribed in my head.

This brings me to my first main point: Most of the work of getting the article down quickly happens before you are even in the writing field.

 If you want to be good at being mentally listed for writing, then you need to look at the world with curiosity. What are some ways to break the world? How can those broken places be fixed? These questions can naturally lead you to articles.

Underline your main points
Once you have it mentally listed, you can start writing. I always start with a simple outline of my main points. For the above article about workplace motivation, I had three points in my head and I came up with a fourth start in writing the article.

Having an outline allows you to get a roadmap to connect your ideas. This allows you to take out your words so that you don't spend too much time on one section and not enough on another.
Then, if the goal is writing quickly, you don't need to spend a ton on your outline. My general rule is long piece, long outline. For anything under 1000 words, a simple word or phrase is the limit of my outline for each point.

Start in the middle
And now it is time to write. It can be tempting to jump right into an introduction, but before you have written anything else, time spent in crafting an introduction is a waste of time.

 So many times when I start with an introduction, I get to know about half of the piece that my introduction is not really what I am writing. And so I need to rewrite it. This wastes time I will usually start with just an introduction, if I have a specific story I want to tell or when I have a very detailed way the article is mapped in my head.

Instead of rummaging around with an introduction, start right at point one. Then write points two, three etc. and make your conclusions. Then write your introduction, tying everything together from the beginning. Your readers will think that you are brilliant.

No deflection
Now comes the difficult part for most writers: writing. If you do not think this then the writing is simple. For such a piece, I think I am in conversation with someone over coffee explaining my process. I write as I talk.

To get into a good flow of writing, you don't need to get distracted. Put the phone on. Close your unnecessary tabs. You can leave for 45 minutes without checking email or your phone. The faster you write the faster you can go back. Just write. Trust your gut and your outline and put that piece on paper.

final thoughts
Because I spent the necessary time in my head before writing it, I was able to get this article in about forty minutes. The final word count ended at 1000 words. With a job and a family, I need to maximize my writing time. I hope you can use these principles to maximize yours. If you set yourself up for success, it is possible to write a lot in a very short time.

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