Sahaj suvidha kendra earn money

Materials required, for Sahaj Jan Seva Kendra,
The applicant must have a space, of one hundred and fifty, hundred square meters ,for the room, as well as two personal computers ,with Windows XP-SP2 Operating system, or above.

Talking about the computer, requirement for CSC Senter, your computer should, have at least 512mb of RAM, if it is more then that is even better.

You should have a backup, of the battery and that too, for at least 5 hours, you can also use the portable , generator set instead.

Apart from this, you must have at least , two printers (Inject + Dot Matrix)

In addition , to RAM, the size of the, hard drive in your computer, should be up to 120gb. Along with this, you should also, have digital camera / web cam.

The applicant must ,have wired wireless V-ST ,connectivity as well as biometric / IRIS certification.

You should have a good source, of internet connection with a speed ,of at least 128 Kbps.

The total cost for CSC center , can range from 1.25 lakh to 1.50 lakh ,(excluding land and room).

What is CSC Registration Fees.?

You do not have to pay any, fee for CSC Registration, Jan Seva Kendra registration, fee is absolutely free, the cost mentioned above, is the cost of resources, to open the center.

Common Service Center, se Paise Kaise kamaye,
For how to earn money, from Common Service Center, you do not have to do anything ,separately, you will apply for people ,online here for Pan Card, Voter Card, Passport etc. and you will get ,commission from it.

Apart from this, here you will apply ,online for your mobile, or recharge, DTH recharge, mobile bill pay, instant money transfer, data recharge, LIC premium, as well as for job or any other needs, and a ticket book ,for photocopy, train and bus Doing work, pension service etc. can earn a lot of money.

Here you get commission ,for all the transactions ,that you will do and by doing ,this you can earn, around 20 to ₹ 30000 or more.

Also read,
Like App Se Paise Kaise ,Kamaye Complete, information in Hindi,

Sahaj Jan Seva Kendra, Kaise Khole,
Till now you have already ,understood that Sahaj, Jan Seva Kendra Kaise, Khole i.e. Sahaj ,Jan Seva Kendra Kaise ,Khole i.e. CSC Registration , is a part of the schemes, and plans of the Center.

CSC Registration in hindi,
For CSC registration, click on the CSC website, as soon as you click, the website will open, in front of you, here you will see an option New VLE Registration

You have to click, on New VLE Registration. Now you will go ,to another page today, here you have to enter ,your Aadhaar number ,inside the box.

After entering , the Aadhaar number, select the OTP, then enter the captcha ,and click on submit below, then it will appear, in front of you. Hereby state that, i have… Click on the box ,next to it and tick it.

After ticking, click on the generated, OTP below and then an , OTP will come on the mobile ,number registered in your Aadhaar.

After filling that OTP, in the box containing OTP, click on Validate ,OTP below, and after doing, so your Aadhaar will be verified.

As soon as Aadhaar, is verified, a form will come ,in front of you, which will be named, Kiosk form. Now you have to fill this ,form completely.

Kiosk from - Kiosk,

In Kiosk from, you will have to fill your ,CSC Center name as ,well as complete information ,and then click Continue below.

After clicking continue, you have to fill the ,details of your bank, along with the details of the ,pen card and upload, a soft copy there.

After doing all, click on Continue, once again below, and now on the Document ,page you have to attach ,a photo of your CSC Center ,outside and a photo, inside the center.

Now you have to add your CSC Center location, for this you will see an ,option Longitude and Latitude under ,this option click on Click, to Point on map, add your CSC Center, location and click continue.

Infrastructure ,- Land arrangement,

After clicking Continue, you have to give information, about how much of your ,infrastructure like computer, biometric etc. and then fill the ,Digi-mail id for CSC.

After filling ,all the information properly, click on the review, and then check that all the ,information you have given, is correct or if something is wrong ,in it, then you can ,change it by clicking on the edit above.

If all the information ,is correct then click on, agree and submit below, now here your CSC, Online Registration process, has been completed.

Within 45 days of registering, you will receive an email from Digi mail, in that mail your CSC , id / OMT id and password will be found.

Then you can start working ,by logging into your Digital Sewa ,Portal ie CSC.

Why is a public service ,center important?
In today's time, whatever work is going online, first had to visit ,the office for that work. The government has opened ,all these online work ,by opening a center like ,CSC so that you do not, have to go to different ,offices for different work.

You can get online registration ,of almost all the schemes ,released by the government ,in CSC Center, on the other hand, your time in different center , or office for different work ,would also be bad.


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